Index - Ilona Huss Walin |
The two videopieces "A teachers interaction with her students, who no longer are there" (2009 - 2010) is a reconstruktion of an authentic lesson, but where the students are "gone" and only the teachers interaction is played. I have documented a religion teacher and an art teachers lessons. Later I let professional actors study the video documentation of the lessons. Two videopeices show how the actors play/imitate the teachers in their own classrooms, empty of students. I asked the actors to imitate every detail from the teachers interaction. The actor Jonathan Silén plays the religion teacher Karin Berggren and the actor Viktoria Folkesson plays the art teacher Hans Stålrud.
More info about process and intention.
Still from the video "A teachers interaction with her students, who no longer are there". The actor Jonathan Silén imitates a religion teacher.
Comments about the process from the participating teacher and the actor which I wrote on the walls in connection with an exhibition at Galleri Box:
"The fact that a man plays me maybee makes me feel that the lesson seems more flirty than it was in reality."
The religion teacher Karin Berggren
"I like to work from outside to within. It´s unusual in my profession where we mostly work from within to outside. After a while it felt empty though to imitiate the teacher. The best part in your direction was when we started to interpret the teachers situation."
The actor Jonathan Silén
"A pupils interaction with his teacher and his classmates, who no longer are there", 2012. This videopeice shows a reconstruction of a math lesson where only one students interaction with his teacher and his classmates is replayed. Without fellow players the actor Jakob Tamm tries to imitate every detail of the students interaction (movements and dialogue). The student from the video documented lesson is anonymous.
Two videos, 4 min each.
Still from the video "A pupils interaction with his teacher and his classmates who nolonger are there". The actor Jakob Tamm imitates one student from a math lesson.
"The biggest challenge to me was to find the balance between the warmth within the students presence and mobile inner and the distance in imitiating all the students physical expressions".
The actor Jakob Tamm
"Pupils interaction with their teacher and their classmates, who nolonger are there", 2012.
This videopeice shows a reconstruction of four students interaction with their teacher and classmates during a math lesson. Both the actors interact with people who aren´t there.
The actors Jarle Hammer and Jakob Tamm imitates one female student and one male student each (the four students are anonymous).
One video, 10 min. |
Still from the video "Pupils interaction with their teacher and their classmates, who nolonger are there". The actors Jakob Tamm and Jarle Hammer imitates students from a lesson.