Artspace Rum46 creates
the project Gästabud - Fiest/Hospitality during 2003.
Rum 46´s press release about
Review about the exhibition
in the danish newspaper Information.
I was invited by Rum46 to participate in an exhibiton called Fiest/Hospitality.
The purpose with the exhibition is partly to discuss the Danish immigration
politics and mainly to question the terms “we and them”. The
practical frame for my participation was that I should make a picture
for a billboard that should be placed at three different places in the
centre of Århus - places where there normally is advertisement.
About my billboard picture:
The picture is made for the context billboard out in the cityroom, where
people passing by the picture automatically asks themselves: Who is trying
to sell what?
I used three elements in this picture: rats, national coat of arms and
statistics. I placed three rats in the danish national coat of arms instead
of the three lions that here are reduced to restlessly circle around the
crown. Beside this I put the statistical text: “The Kingdom of Denmark
has a population of seven million rats, but only sixty lions. New national
coat of arms, 2003.” (The population numbers are approximately true).
I thought it was interesting to blow life into an old symbol of power
- the national coat of arms - and give it a new content. I also thought
it was interesting to combine this old symbol of power with a modern one
- statistics. This text, about population, reminds us how statistics are
used in our daily life to tell the truth and to rule the world.
There is an inner conflict in the picture between the old and the new
symbol of power (heraldics and statistics). This inner conflict makes
the picture loose an obvious statement. There is only questions left.
I wanted to play with agitating symbols which at first sight gave the
picture a naiv touch, but at the same time a crystal-clear touch. I think
that the picture created curiousity and reactions out in the cityroom.
Some of my billboards where torn down (advertisement is almost never torn
down). I also think that this billboard was open enough to let people
see themselves and reflect upon their own way of thinking.